By March Break, you probably went on your last cross-country ski outing, took the ice hut off the lake, made the last runs snowboarding at the ski hill, or whatever, and it’s time to put your winter equipment away. Before you do that, take time to inspect your gear. Perhaps a snowshoe harness is broken, cross country skis have thick buildup of wax that needs to be scraped off, a ski pole is missing its basket, or the blades on the ice auger needs sharpening. Now is the perfect time to repair your equipment before putting it in storage for the off-season; this ensures that your winter gear is ready to go when the snow flies again next December.
This is also a good time to check the end-of-season sales to buy replacement or new winter gear; prices will be marked down by half, or more. This may include buying new ski boots if your old boots are too small or got worn out, a new snowboard, new snowshoes or new winter clothing.
As you put away your winter gear, haul out your summer gear and check it over as well for any damage or missing parts. Maybe your tent got mildewed or one of the hiking boots is missing. Now is the time to find out that you need to repair or replace anything damaged or missing so that you have everything for summer fun.

One final thought. Make sure to store all your gear in a cool dry place Organize everything so that you can find your stuff quickly without having to rummage through everything, and label everything. When it is all done, take some time to look at your pictures from last summer and soon you will be excited about this coming summer’s adventures.
Pim Delfgou
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